
Few experiences are as scary or upsetting as being placed under arrest. Handcuffed, put in the back of a squad car, and taken to the station, you are likely to be angry, confused, and worried about what happens next. At such moments, you need to remain calm, keep your head about you, and avoid making mistakes which can make an already bad situation even worse.

You also need to call an experienced criminal lawyer in Brooklyn immediately.

If you have been arrested in Manhattan, Brooklyn or any of the city’s other boroughs, the tenacious Brooklyn criminal defense lawyers at Epstein & Conroy are ready to protect your rights at any hour of any day. We can fight for your release and begin preparing the strongest possible defense on your behalf.

Don’t Make Critical Mistakes When Arrested

The manner in which police arrest you, including why they stopped you, what they say or don’t say, and how they act, can all play key roles in your defense against criminal charges. If police didn’t have a constitutionally valid reason to stop you, if they conducted an improper search, or if they failed to advise you of your rights –  these sorts of errors can be used by your attorney to seek the dismissal of the charges.

But too often, people placed under arrest make mistakes, themselves, which can torpedo their cases. This happens because people don’t understand their rights or they let their emotions overwhelm them.  They react out of fear and anger or they make damning admissions in an attempt to be “helpful” or tell their side of the story to law enforcement. These missteps can be costly.

Don’t React Violently

We know, as do you, that police can and do overstep their bounds sometimes, making improper stops and arrests, engaging in racial profiling, or using excessive or improper force. If they engage in such conduct, or if you feel you are being wrongfully accused, it can be easy to let your understandable anger take over.  You may want to react with aggression or violence. Don’t do it. If police have acted improperly, your defense lawyer will be able to use that misconduct to your advantage. You may even have a civil claim for violations of your civil rights. If you react violently, you may undermine these defenses and claims. There is a time and a place to put up a fight. Your arrest is not the time or place to do it.

Keep Quiet

Too often people under arrest start talking. A lot. They think they can talk their way out of a bad situation or convince the police that they’ve made a mistake. The actual mistake is talking to police without your defense attorney present. You know from movies and TV that you have the right to remain silent, that anything you say can and will be used against you, and that you have a right to an attorney. Respectfully tell the police you are exercising your rights and keep quiet about any substantive matters until you can speak with your criminal defense attorney.

Call Epstein & Conroy Immediately

The single most important thing you can do after your arrest is to call a criminal defense attorney. At Epstein & Conroy, our experienced and aggressive criminal defense lawyers in Brooklyn are available 24/7 for a free consultation. We can explain your situation to you and help you avoid making mistakes that could harm your chances of presenting a successful defense. Even during the early stages of an investigation, we can take careful critical steps to maximize your chances of a success result in the end.

If you or a loved one has been arrested anywhere in New York City, please call (718) 852-6763 to speak with one of Epstein & Conroy’s experienced New York criminal defense attorneys now.

Hear What Our Clients Have To Say

"David Epstein helped a good friend avoid a criminal conviction that could have ruined his life. He was arrested based on false allegations of his ex wife. David was able to prove my cousin was innocent.He was resourceful, caring and did a great job. I recommend him highly."